AMAneo BTi
Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
This product is also listed in these partner sites:
- Dlf data (United Kingdom)
- Hjælpemiddelbasen (Denmark)
- Rehadat (Germany)
- Siva (Italy)
Product Description:
The AMAneo Assistive Mouse Adapter helps people with hand tremors control a computer mouse more easily by filtering out shaky hand movements.
Main Features:
- Filters electronically the trembling of hand, which can also be very strong, so that the mouse pointer on the display moves smoothly anyway.
- Works with any PC or notebook.
- It can be adjusted to compensate tremors of varying intensities.
- A dwell function is integrated as well as a movement stop while clicking.
Primary Specifications:
- USB interface for Windows, Mac, Android.
- Adjustable tremor compensation.
- Adjustable Click Timer.
- Adjustable Button Delay.
- 2 Connectors for external switches (left/right mouse button).
- Works with every mouse or assistive mouse devices (except Bluetooth).
- Dimensions: 75 x75 x 25 mm.