Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $75.00


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Product Description: 

The Community Success series is an independent living and personal skills tutorial program designed for use by instructors of students with cognitive disabilities. It helps students prepare for community outings by teaching social considerations and step-by-step sequences for appropriate social interactions. Its realistic and detailed illustrations, instructive auditory cues, and easy-to-use interface allow students to rehearse skills before they go out. Activities are presented in clear and logical sequences, while social skills picture both "good" and "not so good" behaviors.

Main Features: 

  • Fosters practice with independence in the community.
  • It offers an easy-to-navigate and engaging program.
  • Guides 24 activities like riding the bus and grocery shopping.
  • Incorporates video modeling, photo-based directions, talking stories, and illustrations of behaviors.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Win/Mac CD, touch screen and switch compatible. Disk-based software includes a Three Computer License. 
  • Software is compatible with all current Windows and Mac operating systems.
  • Programs are Whiteboard ready and scanning capable.

Options & Accessories: 

  • Available as an iPad App(link is external) (compatible with iPad, iOS or later).
  • Available in 1, 5, and 20 packs. For example, a 5 pack can be loaded on 15 computers.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website(link is external)