Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
CrossScanner is a universal way to run software by 1 or 2 switch(es). With the switch(es) plugged in the user is able to perform mouse moves and clicks, double clicks, drags, operate menus, and enter text (with optional OnScreen keyboard).
Main Features:
- Provides auto-scrolling (including web pages) from the Icon Window.
- Auto-scan operation: the first click starts the line scan down the screen. The next click stops the line when it gets to the user's desired vertical point. If DoubleClick, Drag, or Text Entry is active, an icon Window pops up for the user to select with the fingerScan. The final click tells the computer to move the cursor to that point and perform the chosen function.
- A new alternate scan mode is Inverse Scan, where the line/finger moves for the time the user is holding the switch down and then releases for a certain time to stop the line/finger. The user can press/release repeatedly, within the time period, to advance the line finger until it gets to the desired direction.
- A second new alternate scan mode is 2 Switch Step Scan, where user's right-click (switch plugged into an interface that can emulate a mouse right-click) will 'step' the line/finger down/forward, and then click (or switch plugged into an interface that can emulate a left-click) will select the current position (stop the line/finger).
Primary Specifications:
Works with any switch(es) into any interface, or any keystroke.
Options & Accessories:
Different options are available for purchase for this product. These include but are not limited to:
- CrossScanner for Mac OS 10.2 & greater.
- CrossScanner for Mac OS 9 (and earlier).
- CrossScanner for all Windows.