
DIPAX ClickMaster

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 


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Product Description: 

DIPAX ClickMaster is an easy-to-use mouse button emulator program for individuals with physical impairments and other disabilities.

Main Features: 

  • The button actions left, right and middle mouse click, as well as click & drag and double click are automatically triggered as soon as the mouse pointer is not moved for a certain time. 
  • This tool can be used eg with an eye or head control.
  • As of version 8.0, DIPAX ClickMaster can also trigger keys and keyboard shortcuts (virtual keys). The macros A - E are used for this purpose.
  • DIPAX ClickMaster is a standalone software and was developed for people who can move the mouse pointer with a suitable input device, but with the triggering of an action (eg left mouse click, double-click) have difficulties. For this purpose, a menu is permanently displayed on the screen, which allows the pre-selection of a specific mouse button action. The preselected action is then triggered automatically after the mouse pointer has not been moved for a certain time.
  • Users who are able to trigger a sensor can optionally do without the autoclip and trigger the mouse click selected in the click menu directly via an external sensor (a combination of auto- and sensor click is also possible).

Options & Accessories: 

Accessories are available for purchase for this product. These include, but are not limited to:

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.