
Find Out & Write About

Product Type: 
Primary device
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $99.00
This product has been discontinued.

Product Description: 

Find Out & Write About is a software program that teaches students research and writing skills through nonfiction reading stories. Students click the speaker button to listen to the whole text, or click on an individual word to hear it. Words are color-coded to help writers compose sentences successfully.

Main Features: 

  • Each title contains  illustrated information pages with carefully researched, nonfiction text.
  • Students click the speaker button to listen to the whole text, or click on an individual word to hear it.
  • Each page contains a link to a Clicker writing grid that relates directly to that page, so students can write about the information they have just learned.
  • Words are color-coded to help writers compose sentences successfully.
  • Each title presents information at three levels, making the series suitable for emergent, struggling, and fluent readers.
    • At level 1, information is presented in short sentences and learners use Clicker Grids to work with sentence beginnings and endings.
    • At level 2, students construct their own sentences and have a wider vocabulary choice.
    • At level 3 they are presented with more in-depth information and grids that enable them to interpret and respond to the text.
  • As they work their way through the information pages and writing tasks, students produce a significant piece of writing that demonstrates both their understanding of the reading material and their ability to work independently. This is highly motivating for all learners, particularly struggling readers and writers.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Find Out & Write About is an add-on resource for Crick Software's reading and writing support tool Clicker 7, which is compatible with all modern Windows and Mac computers. In order to use Find Out & Write About, you must have Clicker 7 installed.

More Information: 

This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.