L3 Skills
Product Description:
L3 Skills is an online resource that promotes lifelong learning through fun interactive activities, creating opportunities for individuals with special needs to master educational concepts and develop life-building skills. The service seeks to provide engaging graphics and relevant content as a way to help students build their confidence through achievement and prepare them for higher levels of success.
Main Features:
- Features high-interest skill practice activities.
- Motivate students toward skills mastery by integrating existing n2y resources that also inspire learning through active engagement.
- Can be used to reward early finishers or to further develop non-cognitive skills like attention to detail and understanding the concept of completing a task from start to finish.
- Each interactive, online activity uses SymbolStix characters and is designed to be short enough to captivate student interest, yet long enough to teach important skills.
- Blended skill applications, including overlapping skills in multiple subjects, expand coverage.
- The service's learning through constructive play approach aligns to state and national standards, providing multiple versions of the same activity to develop problem-solving abilities.
- Players can practice new skills to demonstrate fluency.