Learning Two Switch Step Scanning
Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
Learning Two Switch Step Scanning is a Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs designed to teach the single switch user the concept of two switch step scanning.
Main Features:
- Skills introduced: Step Scanning, Choice Making.
- It is designed for single switch cause & effect users that are ready to move to the next level.
- The program is comprised of 21 activities grouped into 7 lessons.
- The activities are in the form of graphical games where the lesson concepts are embedded.
- The activities are purely graphical and do not require any reading ability.
- The program contains options that enable users to customize the animation speed, audio and visual switch prompt, and background music.
- Each lesson moves the student a step closer to achieving step scanning.
- The program comes with a PDF file of switch overlays to help the student understand the function of each of the switches.
Primary Specifications:
- Windows Versions: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
- 35 MB hard disk space.
- Minimum 1024x768 screen resolution.
Options & Accessories:
Available in these configurations:
- CD (can be installed on one computer at a time).
- Download (can be installed on one computer at a time).
- Classroom License CD (can be installed on an unlimited number of computers as long as they are in the same physical classroom).