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Product Description: 

The Point Display Dot View DV-2 is a tactile graphics display designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision. This device is capable of converting graphical information from a computer screen into touchable images in real time. It can display text characters and braille; maps, animal figures, and other line art; scanned photographs and images from digital cameras; and moving images and features operations such as click and drag with the computer mouse, scrolling, magnification, and reduction can also be displayed.

Main Features: 

  • The display has 1536 active pins in a 32 x 48 dot display matrix.
  • Front panel function keys include a four-directional joystick (used mainly for scrolling), and six multi-purpose function buttons.
  • Side panel function keys include four arrow keys (for up-down, left-right screen movements), and three multi-purpose function buttons.
  • The display has a USB port.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Power: Uses an alternating current (AC) adapter with 100 - 240 volts AC, 50/60 Hertz (Hz) input and 5 volts direct current (DC), 2 amp output.
  • Dimensions: 2.4 x 5.9 x 7.9 inches.
  • Weight: The main unit weighs 3.3 pounds and the AC adapter weighs 7 ounces.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website(link is external)