Pre-GED Multimedia Curriculum
Product Type:
Primary device
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
The Pre-GED Multimedia Curriculum is a curriculum consisting of duplicatable PDF books, interactive programs, and interactive online access designed to help prepare students with special needs to take and pass the GED and to learn academic and life skills.
Main Features:
- The program combines the curriculum areas included in the GED test with instruction presented on a lower comprehension level.
- It can be used by high school students and adults independently or in groups to prepare for the GED test.
- It is designed to help students and adults transitioning from school to employment and community living.
- The materials include print books and booklets, 42 interactive Transition to Work CD-ROMs with over 650 lessons.
- Areas covered in the program include the following: Self-Esteem, Reading, Mathematics, Critical Thinking Skills, Social Studies, Workplace Literacy, English Usage, Science, Communication Skills, and Composition Skills/Writing.
- Lesson plans.
- Pre/Post assessment.
- Teacher's guides.
- Students can work independently.
- Interactive life skills lessons online.
- Certificates of achievement.
Primary Specifications:
- All curriculum lessons are in PDF format on the cloud - flash drives - are duplicatable after purchase.