

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 

Product Description: 

Swype is an app that replaces the on-screen keyboard for smartphones and tablets with one continuous motion across the screen. Swype adjusts to how users type and is constantly up-to-date with trending words allowing the user to spend less time editing. The personal dictionary follows users from device to device so commonly used words are with the user everywhere. Swype offers four keyboards in one so users can choose from swyping, typing, writing or speaking.

Main Features: 

  • Users can enter words from two languages at once.
  • Users can opt in to stay up to date with trending words like "Cumberbatch". Swype’s Living Language feature gathers and updates user dictionaries with the latest global trending words by crowd-sourcing the language.
  • Voice recognition lets users go hands free and turns voice to text with a press of the Dragon flame. And if the user also happens to be a Dragon Mobile Assistant, swipe from the Swype Key to the Dragon Flame on the keyboard and the personal mobile assistant is at the user's command.
  • Backups and syncs personal dictionaries across multiple mobile devices. When nicknames like "Ollie" are added to a mobile phone, that word will be automatically added to the personal dictionary on a tablet as well as all other registered devices.
  • After finishing a sentence with punctuation, Smart Editor examines words in the sentence and determines if another previously suggested word makes more sense.
  • Allows users to customize the keyboard including long-press delay, vibration duration, keyboard height and mini left/right keyboards in landscape mode.
  • Supports the download of 71 languages and 20 dialects with more to come.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.