VIP PDF-Reader
Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
The "VIP Reader" filters the text from a finished PDF and displays it on a user-friendly surface. The text can be enlarged and contrasted as required and is automatically broken; this means that the text is always adapted to the screen size.
Main Features:
- It displays a table of contents that recognizes all correctly formatted headings.
- The expandable menu bar can be operated both with the mouse and the keyboard.
- The font and background color can be set as a user wishes.
- The software includes a font that is particularly useful for people who visually impaired.
- The reader saves several profiles so that users can set a different view during the day than, for example, in the evening when the glare from desk lamps is greater.
Primary Specifications:
- The VIP reader can be used on the Microsoft, Apple and Linux operating systems.