Voice Ruler
Product Description:
Voice Ruler is an electronic voice Level Indicator for children with learning problems designed to help them get their volume just right.
Main Features:
- Visually displays a person’s voice output level.
- The unit’s internal microphone detects a person’s voice and displays its loudness with a 5-level multi-color LED display and face icons.
- For everyday conversation, the BLUE light means the voice is hard to hear.
- The RED light means the voice level is too loud so it might disturb other people.
- The GREEN light means the voice level is just right.
- Designed to help children with learning problems that have difficulty adjusting their vocal levels to their surroundings in classrooms or vehicles.
- The device enables children to practice anytime and anywhere on their own without a teacher nearby.
- It gives a constant, objective measurement and assessment.
- Speak in a natural voice and in a comfortable sound level.
- The display range can be three or five levels of measurement and can be set on the device, although it is done inside the back cover.
- There are two icons available for the loudest level.
- Designed for:
- Vocal training of people with laryngeal disease.
- Vocal control of people with hearing disorders.
- Aids and Staff when speaking to the elderly.
- General communication training.
Primary Specifications:
- Voice Ruler.
- Three AAA alkaline batteries.
- Neck strap.
- Instruction Sheet.