Zingui 2
Product Description:
A portable, lightweight, speech-generating device that includes the Mind Express 4 software with SymbolStix symbols, but it can be used with other symbol sets as well as digital photographs, and also comes with ready-made vocabularies that can be personalized.
Main Features:
- Faster, lighter, and slimmer than the Zingui 1.
- Features an 8” touch screen.
- Recording and playback features.
- Has a high capacity battery and can be used all day long.
- Mind Express 4 software comes standard with SymbolStix symbols.
- Can be operated via the touch screen, through one or two switches, a USB mouse or any other USB access method.
- Comes with text-to-speech software featuring Acapela voices.
- Words and phrases are read out loud and clear.
- A built-in grammar module automatically conjugates the verbs.
- Word prediction.
- Built-in camera can be operated via Mind Express.
- Can be used as remote control for a TV or DVD player.
Primary Specifications:
- Display: 8" WVGA, high brightness, capacitive touch screen.
- Audio: Digital audio, integrated stereo speakers, high recording quality, headphone jack.
- Software: Mind Express 4.
- Speech output: BrightSpeech (Acapela).
- Weight: 1 Ib. 14oz (850g).
- Dimensions: L218.5mm x W138.5mm x D23.2mm.
- I/O: USB port, WebCam, IR environmental control, 2 switch inputs for scanning, programmable switch.