Products that match: Teaching Materials
257 Results
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Operating System
A brain-training program designed to improve the user's memory, increase their focus, and help them find calm.
An educational game and app designed for users with autism, special needs or learning disabilities.
A reference guide and ePub to alternative solutions that support student actions when adaptations are required for communicating, moving, learning, and/or generally engaging in the classroom.
Connection hub for up to four sets of headphones, designed for use as a classroom listening center, ELD/ELL/Title 3/special education applications, as well as language labs and call center training.
Designed for music class to teach children to become familiar with sign language and to sing songs in sign language.
Voice output dictionary designed to enhance language and vocabulary skills for individuals with a cognitive disability or speech impairment, or who are blind or have low vision.
Instructional DVD designed for teachers who teach children who are deaf and hard of hearing how to use sign language.
A researched and standards-based approach for secondary students with significant disabilities practicing reading and writing skills.
A researched and standards-based program for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism learning language arts skills.
A teacher utility app for converting a data collection form into a customizable and interactive solution on an iPad.
A research- and standards-based curriculum for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism to learn language arts with age-appropriate novels.
A software tool that enables teams to test, repair, and report on accessible PDF documents.
A writing tool for students with learning challenges that provides clusters of words, phrases, and/or pictures to help them build a coherent piece of text.
A writing tool for students with learning challenges that helps them understand sentences and how they work.
Educational software that provides a range of writing support tools for students and is particularly useful for learners with dyslexia and struggling spellers.
A book creation tool suitable for elementary school students across the ability spectrum that is designed to be particularly effective when used to support children with dyslexia and struggling spellers.
An app that enables learners with special literacy needs to take their first steps to independent writing.
An onscreen assistive keyboard for people with mild to moderate physical challenges and those with low vision.
A symbol-based augmentative and alternative communication strategy that can be used at a very early stage to develop and increase language development, thereby facilitating and improving communication skills.
An extremely large Android-based tablet that can function as either a whiteboard or a table and was developed as a way to help autistic children connect with the world.
A picture-ebook guide that includes over 140 pages of photos and information about adapting activities using everyday materials.
A braille education package that includes a combination of a hardware device and software that provides immediate tactile and audio feedback for students learning braille.
A virtual reality package designed for students with physical disabilities that immerses them in 360-degree environments designed to enhance and complement their real-world exploration and play.
Software providing data that shows how each student learns best and the specific level of text that can be understood by each student when listening (with a reading accommodation) compared to independent reading.
A braille editor for the blind and visually impaired that runs on Apple iOS devices. Braille transcribers can use it for NLS certification exercises or practice Unified English Braille (UEB).