Products that match: Word Processor
11 Results
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Operating System
A free onscreen keyboard program for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, or XP that is designed to be used with any head-controlled access technology.
Pictello is an iOS app for creating and sharing visual social stories and schedules. Users can add pictures, videos, and recordings to stories to make it easier to share information while building literacy skills and confidence in storytelling. Each page in a Pictello story consists of a photo or video and some text, which can be read aloud by natural-sounding Text to Speech voices or user-recorded audio.
A product suite for teachers and students for organizing and creating digital worksheets.
An iOS app that proofreads your writing with text-to-speech (TTS).
Oribi Writer is an iPad app with spellchecking and Text-to-Speech. Oribi Writer is the ultimate app for people who need language and spelling support while they write. The app is a word-editor and contains a unique spellchecker and grammar checker.
An onscreen assistive keyboard for people with mild to moderate physical challenges and those with low vision.
A keyboard app for the iPad and iPhone designed to help people with dyslexia and/or dysgraphia to write and read freely.
An integrated writing and reading iPad app comprising several adaptive technologies designed for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning disabilities.
Voice-output word processor program designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities. By selecting buttons, which hold words and graphics, users can write whole words, sentences, and stories.
A writing tool designed to help writers of all skill levels. It helps users compose small amounts of content prior to posting them to an application.
A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.