Products that match: Assistance with Writing
66 Results
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Operating System
Software that can look up words in virtually any program with just one click: just hold down the Ctrl key and right-click on the word. The hotkey can be customized, or a keyboard shortcut can be used if preferred.
A text processing software designed for the visually impaired.
Dictionary iOS app with audio pronunciations.
A predictive text-entry system with speech output for severely disabled people that has a restricted on-screen keyboard with an ambiguous layout. The main reason for using such a keyboard layout is that it enables the use of an eye tracker with a low spatial resolution.
A free onscreen keyboard program for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, or XP that is designed to be used with any head-controlled access technology.
Pictello is an iOS app for creating and sharing visual social stories and schedules. Users can add pictures, videos, and recordings to stories to make it easier to share information while building literacy skills and confidence in storytelling. Each page in a Pictello story consists of a photo or video and some text, which can be read aloud by natural-sounding Text to Speech voices or user-recorded audio.
A program that helps people who have problems with the Danish language and is intended primarily for dyslexics and others with reading/spelling and writing difficulties.
RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications.
The EdWord application is designed to be a simple to use, talking, symbol-word processor.
A product suite for teachers and students for organizing and creating digital worksheets.
Supports disabled people to enter text faster by predicting words and word groups on the basis of the already written text.
The Hurraki is a web dictionary for Plain Language.
A program for writing support with German word prediction. The program particularly supports slow-writing people by analyzing the text that has already been written and making suggestions for word completion while writing.
Αn educational software designed to provide literacy support for those who struggle with literacy in the classroom, at home, or in the workplace.
An auto-completion program.
A symbol-supported word processor that any writer, regardless of literacy levels, can use to create documents. It features on-screen grids to make writing accessible to users that need additional help.
Software designed to make everyday literacy tasks simpler, quicker, and more accurate for English language learners, as well as people with learning difficulties or requiring dyslexia tools.
A cloud-based language and literacy support toolbar for publishers and platform providers that offers a suite of support functions designed to help improve student performance by making online learning and assessment platforms more accessible.
An app that helps users enter text regardless of the program they use.
Software that predicts and auto-completes words and phrases that a user intended to type anywhere. It works by analyzing the screen context and user's typing history. This makes typing faster, more intelligent and reduces effort. Typing Assistant is optimized for translators to use seamlessly in CAT programs.
Presage is a text entry platform. It generates predictions by modelling natural language as a combination of redundant information sources.
A word processing software that helps students who have writing limitations. A smart mobile device is used to import or take a picture of the worksheet and the keyboard is used to complete the assignment.
An app for parents, therapists and educators to help teach pre-writing skills to children who are learning to print.
A cloud-based dictation app that works with mobile devices.
A software pack that includes learning tools can be used to read documents, enhance composition skills, look up a word or definition in the integrated dictionary / thesaurus and display the most probable words using word prediction.