Products that match: AT Software
279 Results
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Operating System
Speech recognition-based math software that allows users to input equations and graphs by speaking.
A program designed to enable children with disabilities to experience and enjoy books independently. The program supports eye gaze, switch, and touch access.
An app designed to enable people with special/complex needs of all ages to create symmetrical and freeform digital mandala paint creations for their entertainment and relaxation.
A communication tool for people on the autism spectrum that teaches speech, language, and social communication skills to people with a variety of abilities.
A free online course for teaching students and teachers how to use the Nemeth code from introductory topics to advanced topics in mathematics.
A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that consists of 12 "fun" segments with a factory and assembly line theme. It is an age appropriate cause & effect program but can also be used with younger children for its sound and graphics.
A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that introduces many different concepts while the student enjoys coloring pictures.
A colorful Windows-based 3D simulated matching program developed specifically for students with special needs.
Desktop Maker enables users to create customized desktops that launch Windows programs for students with special needs.
A cross-platform, open-source augmentative and alternative communication app for people with complex communication needs.
Software designed to simplify and automate the process of creating accessible documents in multiple formats
A self-service, semi-automated software program that converts inaccessible PDF documents into WCAG 2.0 AA-compliant HTML and accessible PDF and EPUB 2 content.
The CoreWord Language System provides augmented and alternative communication (AAC) app users with a combination of core language, fringe vocabulary, and banks of key phrases.
A wireless double-sided braille embosser that produces Library of Congress standard braille and 8 different dot heights.
Software that enables users to create tactile graphics for people who can not see. Blind people can read the graphics by touch and interpret the tactile material.
A single-sided braille embosser that can produce high-resolution graphics and use both tractor and cut-sheet paper.
Voice output, web browser, and text editor programs intended to help individuals with learning disabilities to read, write, study, and comprehend text more effectively.
A compact color ink and braille embosser that offers high-resolution tactile graphics.
A communication system for people with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy. It can also be used for learning to read and write and to facilitate the use and control of computers.
Math skills training system designed for use with children with low vision or cognitive disabilities.
Software accessibility suite that includes an on-screen keyboard, mouse emulator, screen magnification, word prediction program, and more.
A low vision font family designed to have characters that are easy to distinguish from each other, which is especially important for the visually impaired.
Cognitive skills tutorial program designed to provide practice in using categorization skills through the use of multiple choice questions for children and adults with language learning or developmental disabilities.
A language tutorial program designed to teach sentence structure as part of a treatment for aphasia and brain injury.
A free, open-source multi-purpose on-screen keyboard. It was designed with the needs of handicapped persons in mind.