Products that match: Access to Education
610 Results
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Operating System
Book apps for kids offer children's stories for digital download to an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet. They are often free to download and include one story per month, and users can then pay a monthly fee to access unlimited digital books.
Noise-canceling headphones block out sound from a wearer's ears, allowing them greater focus, greater ability to hear audio recordings, and protection from hearing damage by external noise.
Amego is a free, Windows-based software program for text-based communication that works with Mind Express, software designed for people with communication challenges.
Universal adapter to convert any battery-operated toy or appliance using a battery into a switch activated device.
A small black box that plugs directly into a TV via an HDMI cable and includes a remote control. It features built-in read-aloud software called GuideReader, which helps individuals with visual impairments access books and other print materials.
A device that connects to a TV and can recognize and read aloud the text that appears on the screen in real time.
The GObox is a device for people who have trouble reading the subtitles on TV. By connecting the GObox between the decoder and the TV via the HDMI cable, the box reads all subtitles in Flemish and Dutch.
A Windows-based system based on proprietary intelligent speech recognition technology that enables visually impaired people to talk with potentially any computer’s digital contents and applications.
Portable video magnifier with built-in read-aloud software.
Wearable electronic magnifier.
An app that converts an Android phone to a more accessible device for users with visual impairments.
Adds word processing and editing functionality to audiobook files.
SwitchIt! Maker 2 will turn your text, images, movies and sounds into simple on-screen activities.
An app designed for people with memory loss, concentration disabilities, and autism. It provides users step-by-step instructions on how to counts bills, coins, and coin rolls.
A productivity app that syncs recorded audio with the notes taken during a recording. The app is suited for children who are easily distracted or who may not understand something a teacher has said during a lesson.
A short-term teaching tool and long-term adaptive aid for individuals with memory loss or cognitive disabilities.
A personal electronic device that enables people to make desired changes in their own behavior and habits.
A foldable digital magnifier designed for seniors and elementary students that enables users to read documents, textbooks, and newspapers as well as to write down notes.
A portable, lightweight, speech-generating device that includes the Mind Express software with SymbolStix symbols.
Small, portable recording devices that allow the user to record themselves or others speaking and playback the recording wherever they are.
A reference guide and ePub to alternative solutions that support student actions when adaptations are required for communicating, moving, learning, and/or generally engaging in the classroom.
A small, lightweight speaker enclosed in a pillow cushion.
Transcription and closed caption-editing software program.
A range of software AAC and captioning software, specifically designed for individuals with communication disabilities, and individuals who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and have difficulty writing/typing, speaking, and/or reading.
Electronic, voice-output dictionary designed to enhance language and vocabulary skills for sixth grade or older students with cognitive disability or speech impairment, or who are blind or have low vision.