Products that match: Entertainment and Play
723 Results
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Operating System
Extra-sensitive switch control, with gooseneck and wireless options.
Wearable voice amplification system.
Desktop video magnification system for individuals with low vision.
A wireless audio system in many different configurations, offering both single and dual-channel options and operating in a low interference VHF band. The system consists of a transmitter, receiver, and wireless microphone system.
Voice Selection options are available as part of the Read Aloud feature for many of the languages in Immersive Reader. To see what options there are, choose the Settings Gear icon, which is located next to the Play button.
Transparent glasses that redefine augmented reality (AR) with a Si-OLED display.
Highly transparent glasses that display augmented reality (AR) content over the viewer's eyes.
The Moverio Pro BT-2200 smart headset features key technologies designed for the industrial workplace, including use with most safety helmets.
An accessible online library for people with print disabilities.
Assistive communication device for short- or long-term augmentative communication or cognitive enrichment.
A 360-degree camera that allows users to take panoramic stills and videos more easily.
A TV remote control designed specifically for caregivers, people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, or someone with low and impaired vision.
Control interface that allows users to control battery-operated toys with external switch controls.
Voice recorder for recording audio messages up to 2 minutes long.
A screen-mirroring dongle that wirelessly connects Android or Apple smartphones and tablets to a compatible in-car receiver equipped with an HDMI or USB connection, enabling users to view multimedia content on a larger screen.
An accessibility app designed for people who are deaf and hearing impaired. The app features automatic speech recognition technology and performs real-time transcription of speech and sound to text on a phone screen, so users can more easily participate in conversations.
Soft silicone keyboards that can rolled, twisted, folded, or washed.
Allows users to create digital artwork and files by drawing with a stylus on a physical device, similar to a traditional pen and paper. Users can zoom and pan to reach all areas of the digital canvas and can easily erase their marks with a single click or swipe.
Handheld scanners allow a user to scan entire documents or lines of text with a lightweight, portable device.
Allows users to read and purchase digital books, newspapers, and magazines, while also eliminating the need to flip a page or physically hold a book. E-readers also typically allow users to change font size, increase the contrast, and modify how many lines of text fill a page.
A digital book that can be virtually downloaded and features accessibility options such as font size adjustment, contrast adjustment, and audio read-aloud, for example. E-books are typically downloaded to e-readers, but depending on their file format, users may also read them on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
A digital audio file featuring a book read out loud. Users can slow or speed up the playback rate or search and navigate through an audiobook by chapters or sub-sections.
Digital books for children are stories and picture books using plain language that can be virtually downloaded.
Book apps for kids offer children's stories for digital download to an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet. They are often free to download and include one story per month, and users can then pay a monthly fee to access unlimited digital books.
Noise-canceling earbuds block out sound from a wearer's ears, allowing them greater focus as well as protection from hearing damage by external noise.