Products that match: Entertainment and Play
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Operating System
There are many different accessibility features that are built into smart TVs, as well as TVs designed specifically for different disability groups. GARI provides the ability to find just the features you are looking for.
Amego is a free, Windows-based software program for text-based communication that works with Mind Express, software designed for people with communication challenges.
A small black box that plugs directly into a TV via an HDMI cable and includes a remote control. It features built-in read-aloud software called GuideReader, which helps individuals with visual impairments access books and other print materials.
Foot pedal switch control designed for alternative mouse clicks on a computer.
A device that connects to a TV and can recognize and read aloud the text that appears on the screen in real time.
The GObox is a device for people who have trouble reading the subtitles on TV. By connecting the GObox between the decoder and the TV via the HDMI cable, the box reads all subtitles in Flemish and Dutch.
Voice Access is an accessibility service that helps users who have difficulty manipulating a touchscreen (e.g. due to paralysis, tremor, or temporary injury) use their Android devices by voice.
A Windows-based system based on proprietary intelligent speech recognition technology that enables visually impaired people to talk with potentially any computer’s digital contents and applications.
A lightweight eye-control system designed for wheelchair and tabletop use that features a removable binocular system.
The point it app helps users communicate by pointing to images on a smartphone (iOS, Android). This app contains themed topics of various images that can be shown.
External puff-powered switch control.
Portable video magnifier with built-in read-aloud software.
An assistive technology device that transcribes speech to text in real-time.
Unified hub for devices that helps make gaming on the Xbox more accessible.
Eye trackers with a magnetic mount for universal mounting.
Portable reading machine for reading printed texts.
A portable augmentative communication device for use by people with communication or speech disabilities. It consists of a PocketPC (HP iPaq 2495) loaded with Point To Pictures - Mobile (PTP-Mobile) software.
An educational game and app designed for users with autism, special needs or learning disabilities.
A removable pillow switch attached to a flexible arm that clamps to any surface.
Speech recognition software designed for home users.
Hands-free speaker users control with their voice that is linked to the Amazon Alexa Voice Service, a virtual assistant.
Direct selection communicator designed for use by individuals with upper extremity and communication disabilities.
Loop amplification system that can be used anywhere, with no installation.
A switch that senses the proximity of a hand, finger, head or nearly any object for activation.
Wired switches that light up when activated.