

Books can be made accessible in a number of ways, some of which are also used by non-disabled students.  Books can be printed in large-print, or in Braille (though this can be bulky).  Books are available as eBooks, which can be read on dedicate readers, tablet or desktop computers, or as audio-books, which may be read by a human reader or by a synthetic voice.

Which type of book are you looking for?

Show all products in the Books category (38)

  • Audio Books (12) - Books read aloud either by a human reader or synthesized voice.
  • eBooks (17) - Print books converts to electronic format with built-in navigational features.
  • Printed (8) - Books printed and bound on paper or other permanent medium.
  • Other (5) - Products in the "Books" category that do not fit into one or more of the categories above