Gamebook, PizzaGames
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
The 7-128 Software Gamebook and the PizzaGames Collection are sets of computer video games that are accessible to individuals with blindness and low vision.
Features a mix of games that are accessible to blind and/or low vision gamers.
Geared toward children, the PizzaGames collection offers educational games for children aged 2-7.
Main Features:
The Gamebook Standard Edition includes thse features:
Game titles include:
- Inspector Cyndi in Newport - Death Nell - detective game.
- Kim's Game - memory game.
- Word Away - word game.
- Crambles - word game.
- Sandusky - arcade game.
The Gamebook Perceptions Edition includes these features:
Game titles include:
- Inspector Cyndi in Newport - Death Nell - detective game.
- Kim's Game - memory game.
- The Definition Game - word game.
- Crambles - word game.
- Completion - word game.
- All controls are keyboard accessible and sound labeled.
- Special audio prompts maintain a clear context of where the gamer is in the game.
The Gamebook Word Scholar Edition includes these features:
- Scrambled Sayings - Unscramble the letters to get a saying from our culture.
- The Definition Game - Fill in the word meanings.
- Sounds Like - Given a spoken word, which spelling is correct.
- Spelling Bee.
- Synonyms and Antonyms - Race the clock. Requires mental agility.
- Crossed Quotes - Famous and not so well known quotes with their letters mixed up.
- Crambles - A simple game. Unscramble a word. Against the clock.
- Completion - You supply the missing letters. Against the clock.
- Longest Word - How fast can you make long words from a set of letters?
- Combo - Given three letters in a row, how many words can you make by adding from a set of letters?
- Word Builder - How many words can you make from a limited set of letters?
- Word Away - Reduce a grid of letters as you build words (not blind accessible).
- Word Jungle - Find words of a given theme in a maze of letters (not blind accessible).
PizzaGames Baby Bear Edition includes these features:
- Suitable for children aged 2-5.
Game titles include:
- Here Comes the Duck! - Playable by blind 2-year olds.
- The Letters Game - Teaches A, B, C's.
- The Numbers Game - Teaches numbers.
PizzaGames Mama Bear Edition includes these features:
- Suitable for children aged 4-7.
Game titles include:
- The Spelling Game - Teaches spelling.
- The Dictionary Game - Teaches definitions.
- The Numbers Plus Game - Teaches addition.
- The Numbers minus Game - Teaches subtraction.
Primary Specifications:
System requirements:
- Windows/XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
- Pentium 166 MHz or faster.
- Memory (RAM) at least 256 Mb.
- Hard disk storage about 70 Mb for your first game and about 10 Mb for each subsequent game.
- Screen resolution 1024 X 768 or greater.
- (Works at lower screen resolutions with a Screen Reader or the 7-128 Software GameVoice).
- Speakers and sound card if using the 7-128 Software GameVoice or JAWS.
- Blind-enabled games self-voice using SAPI or recorded voices.
- JAWS does not appear to support any Java programs, including these games, under any 64-bit version of Windows.
More Information:
See Manufacturer's website(link is external).