Classic Search
2621 Results
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Operating System
Wearable voice amplification system.
Desktop video magnification system for individuals with low vision.
Goal Guide makes it possible for students to easily create goals, track progress, and share accomplishments with others.
ScanDo! is intended to provide on-demand support for task completion via images, video modeling, or text-based documents by browsing a curated library of media that are paired with a unique QR code. When you scan the QR code with the ScanDo! app, you see the document or video that is linked to that code.
MyLife is a tool for IEP self-direction that builds students self-advocacy skills. Students put IEP goals in their own words, document their progress, and use that data to run their own IEP meeting.
Voiceye Maker is software that enables users to add a 2D barcode to system-generated printed documents so they are accessible by free smartphone applications.
An app to take notes that will be linked to recorded audio using the keyboard.
A wireless audio system in many different configurations, offering both single and dual-channel options and operating in a low interference VHF band. The system consists of a transmitter, receiver, and wireless microphone system.
TextExpander is a cloud-based writing assistance tool that enables users to insert snippets of text from a repository of emails, boilerplate and other content as they type, using a quick search or abbreviation.
Designed to efficiently scan and digitize printed materials.
Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps a user type clear, effective, and mistake-free text.
Mind mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics.
Record voice memos on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. Then edit and share your recording.
Talking camera for users with visual impairments.
SMART Boards are interactive displays that can be used with mobile phones, computers, and other interactive displays.
An assistive technology Morse Code input device. It is designed for those who have physical challenges and or challenges in communicating vocally who wish to use a computer.
Learning Tools adds visual changes as a layer on top of the original document, so users can feel confident working on their documents and know that they will print as normal, while co-authors can still edit the document in the original view.
Voice Selection options are available as part of the Read Aloud feature for many of the languages in Immersive Reader. To see what options there are, choose the Settings Gear icon, which is located next to the Play button.
An app that lets users write, draw, edit and structure their notes. They can convert them into digital documents or copy/paste parts to or from any other app.
Transparent glasses that redefine augmented reality (AR) with a Si-OLED display.
Highly transparent glasses that display augmented reality (AR) content over the viewer's eyes.
The Moverio Pro BT-2200 smart headset features key technologies designed for the industrial workplace, including use with most safety helmets.
An accessible online library for people with print disabilities.
An app that syncs the notes that are taken with the source material, whether from audio (live lecture), PDFs or ebooks, video files or URLs (web).
Touchpad mouse that requires no hand or arm movement.