Classic Search
610 Results
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Operating System
A standards-based curriculum designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities that includes symbol-supported Student Books and Easy Reader Books, consumable Student Workbooks, and Teacher's Guides as well as scripted sample lessons. Additional activities, projects, articles, and experiments are included on the USB flash drives.
CD-ROM-based programs that teach older children with autism and special needs (of cognitive age 8-18) acceptable behaviors and language using real-life video scenarios.
A personal skills tutorial program that features 77 interactive online lessons designed for use by high school students or adults with cognitive or other disabilities.
An interactive 50-social skill program for secondary students and adults with developmental disabilities, including autism.
A story writing and language tutorial program designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with learning, communication, cognitive or hearing disabilities or autism.
A reading tutorial, story reading and story writing app designed for use by children with cognitive, communication, language or learning disabilities or autism.
Spelling tutorial programs designed for use by children with cognitive or learning disabilities.
An app designed to help non-verbal children and adults express their feelings using Smarty Symbols.
A control switch training program designed for students using a mouse or touch screen for the first time. Its simplicity is well suited for those with visual or learning impairments.
A behavior training program designed to teach conversational skills to children with cognitive disabilities.
A three-CD reference set that enables users to locate approximately 7,000 words and their definitions in both English and ASL.
An accessible learning environment for children with special needs. It combines tablet apps and a wireless smart toy to encourage children's interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
An introduction to the keyboard by using speech, phonics, and Widgit Symbols in colorful letter exercises to teach literacy skills to users who have difficulty with text or communication.
An online life skills curriculum that provides information that allows learners to become more functionally independent in their homes, schools, communities, and workplaces.
Voice enhancer for people with a low or whispering voice, or in a professional context, where people should speak in larger assemblies.
Vibroacoustic sound system that converts sound to vibration, and enables the connection of a microphone or USB connector with audio files.
A comprehensive tool for producing, sharing, and translating braille.
A teaching app for learning the basic building blocks of beginner American Sign Language (ASL) that is suitable for both children and adults.
A suite of four developmentally appropriate early learning activities for young children with special needs.
A suite of activities designed to promote visual discrimination skills in young and special needs children.
A puzzle activity designed to promote visual-spatial development for very young and special needs children.
Language tutorial apps designed to help children and adults with physical or learning disabilities to recognize that words and sentences have meanings corresponding to actions in animated pictures.
A cloud-based program for children aged 7-14 with dyslexia designed to help them understand the building blocks of written language.
A cloud-based program for children aged 6-11 with dyslexia designed to teach them number sense, strategies for times tables, and understanding time.
A cloud-based program designed for students aged 7-12 with dyslexia that teaches touch typing while improving spelling.