Classic Search
10 Results
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Operating System
LowBrowse is a Firefox extension that provides a new kind of user interface specifically designed for users with low vision.
BigBrowser is an Internet browsing application designed to help low vision users more easily navigate the web on their iPads. It’s extra large keyboard and controls, expanded pinch zooming, and multiple color themes make content easy to read.
An open-source, cross-browser toolbar that increases the accessibility of a website with the use of custom settings on webpages to magnify font sizes, have text-to-speech and use colored overlays and readability. It is to help those with low vision, dyslexia, and other reading difficulties.
Theme Font & Size Changer lets you change the global font size and font family used for the user interface in Firefox. Design your browser with your favorite font.
A solution that helps to access Web site information.
Software that filters the text from a finished PDF and displays it on a user-friendly surface. The text can be enlarged and contrasted as required and is automatically broken; this means that the text is always adapted to the screen size.
Farfalla is the open source application that allows you to customize the reading and browsing of web pages.
Software designed specifically for low vision and blind users, enabling them to read any printed or electronic format document.
Software designed to enable people with low vision read print music.
Autofocus desktop electronic video magnifier that enables users to read, write, view photos and other functions.