Products that match: Therapy Tool
118 Results
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Operating System
A two-player classic arcade style Windows-based game designed specifically for individuals with special needs.
A free software framework whose main goal is to provide ludic-therapeutic activities for people with disabilities.
A free and open source Android application that turns a phone or tablet into an inexpensive augmentative and alternative communication device.
An educational game app developed for individuals diagnosed with learning disorders, attention deficit, autism, down syndrome, aspergers, and other special needs.
Behavior training program suite designed for increasing attention and overall cognitive skills.
Cognitive skills program designed for individuals who have experienced strokes or for those with aphasia, memory or cognitive disabilities, or autism.
A language tutorial program for those recovering from a stroke or brain injury-related speech and memory loss that is designed to provide cognitive training in the use of verbs and prepositions.
A language tutorial program designed to help those recovering from a stroke or brain injury related speech and memory loss that provides drills in building and understanding vocabulary.
A language tutorial program designed to teach sentence structure as part of a treatment for aphasia and brain injury.
A visual reinforcement system designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders that can let someone know what he’s working for, how much work he needs to do, and how close he is to earning a reward for that work.
A switch friendly music program for special needs learners.
Speech training and/or remediation app for iOS designed for use by speech therapists and parents working with children who have communication or speech difficulties.
Auditory evaluation and hearing aid acoustic test system designed for use to assess how much an individual who is hard of hearing would benefit from a hearing aid.
Collection of nine interactive and accessible computer games designed for students with learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities, or who are blind.
A developmental assessment system designed to screen infants and young children for developmental delays during the first five years of life.
An articulation training app for use by speech and language therapists and parents working with children who have communication or speech disabilities, it is designed to help children practice the correct pronunciation of their English sounds.
A series of articulation training apps designed for use by children or adults who have communication or speech disabilities or autism and by speech and language therapists and parents working with these people.
A speech and language training tutorial app designed for use by speech and language therapists and parents working with children who have communication or speech disabilities.
Evaluation assessment test designed for use by professionals who provide services in computer access and augmentative communication. This software measures user performance in skills needed for computer interaction, such as keyboard and mouse use, navigating through menus, and switch use.
An app that offers a set of therapeutic hand exercises (not games) to help children and adults improve their fine motor skills and handwriting readiness.
A real-time vocal ability assessment system for professionals and home users that may be used as a clinical and teaching tool to help analyze document, and report vocal ability in various applications.
A real-time biofeedback tool for professionals and home users that is used in both clinical and educational environments to guide diagnostic assessments for speech disorders by measuring respiration, phonation, and resonance.
An interactive program that uses over 30 voice-activated games to provide professionals and home users with real-time reinforcement of changes in pitch, loudness, voiced and unvoiced phonation, voicing onset, maximum phonation time, sound and vowel tracking.
A real-time dual-screen speech assessment and training system for professionals and home users that helps analyze, document, teach, reinforce and report speech waveform in various applications.
A speech analysis program that provides professionals and home users with the ability to analyze and display both acoustic and EGG features of a sustained vowel. It is used to guide diagnostic assessments for voice disorders by measuring hoarse, harsh, and breathy voice.