Products that match: Therapy Tool
118 Results
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Operating System
A behavior training app and an independent living and personal skills tutorial program designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with emotional or developmental disabilities or autism.
An iPad app that is designed to help teach individuals with dyslexia in reading and spelling.
An interactive language program for adults who have dysphasia and children with language learning needs designed to build understanding and the recall of words by strengthening semantic processing.
A program intended for people with hearing disabilities to learn how to pronounce phonemes. The program responds by displaying the phoneme issued or controlling games through different phonemes.
A program intended to help people with speech difficulties articulate vowels.
A program for professionals and home users that provides comprehension and communication training for early speech disorders.
A program that uses non-verbal communication training during the early-language stage, to enable professionals and home users to develop a reasonable and personalized treatment program that may be used for therapy at home.
Speech therapy treatment software for articulation difficulty caused by apraxia of speech or other speech difficulties.
Speech therapy software designed to improve articulation and word retrieval for people with aphasia and oral apraxia.
A U.S. English version of a speech therapy treatment app for articulation difficulty caused by apraxia of speech or other speech difficulties.
A device designed for use by people with breathing, speech, or oral motor disabilities that makes breathing and oral motor skills visible and analyzable. It turns a person's breath into real-time image effects.
A series of iPad apps, developed in conjunction with education and speech and language professionals, that are designed to develop basic vocabulary and can be used at home, in the classroom, and for therapy.
An open-source rhythm/music game for Android that brings a Dance Dance Revolution experience.
A memory game for the Android platform that challenges players to repeat a sequence of lights and sounds.
An app that allows users to test their reflexes against faster and faster challenges. They can listen for the instruction and do it as fast as they can -- touch, swipe up, swipe down, swipe left, swipe right, shake, pinch, and two-finger touch.
An educational game based on a 4x3 grid of boxes that can contain text, images, sounds, etc. The software includes an editor to make new boxes.
A clinically-proven and FDA registered rehab solution that uses games to regain hand or upper limb function.
Interactive Home Activities for Fine-Motor Skills Recovery. Neofect Pegboard offers a digital rehab solution for stroke recovery through exercises that do not tax the whole body to perform.