Products that match: Computer-based Communication Tools
158 Results
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Operating System
Chat app for iOS designed for use by that allows people with or without disabilities to communicate with individuals who are deaf-blind using an Apple iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.
A typing program for both home and classroom use that is designed for blind and visually impaired students and features digitized human speech.
An assistive communication SIP-based tool for people who are deaf and hearing impaired that works with iPad and Android tablets to offer "total conversation," which includes video, audio, and text.
An app designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to help teach the concept of “wait” and encourage learners to wait successfully.
A visual reinforcement system designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders that can let someone know what he’s working for, how much work he needs to do, and how close he is to earning a reward for that work.
A program for students with disabilities to learn functional vocabulary words.
Email program designed for use by individuals with brain injury or cognitive disabilities.
A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.
A home control system that enables people with severe physical disabilities, spinal cord injury, and upper extremity disabilities to monitor and control all of the devices in their home by voice, the web or a variety of other interfaces.
A symbolic and direct selection communicator program for people with communication disabilities and autism.
A voice-output communication app for iOS designed for use by children with communication, cognitive, developmental, learning or speech disabilities, or autism.
A direct selection communications program designed for use by individuals who are non-verbal.
A symbolic language picture creation program designed for use by individuals with communication disabilities that enables them to create a wide range of picture supported documents.
An augmentative and alternative communication tutorial program designed to help people with communication disorders to learn about and use language.
A communication tool for those with autism, aphasia, apraxia, developmental disabilities or anyone wanting to enhance receptive language or visual memory.
An augmentative and alternative communication device designed for use by individuals with cognitive, communication, or speech disabilities.
An iPad app designed to help children with language delays or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) learn how to identify and use correct tense forms.
An app designed to help non-verbal children and adults express their feelings using Smarty Symbols.
A behavior training program designed to teach conversational skills to children with cognitive disabilities.
An assistive communication app for people and children with emerging communication needs and developmental delays.
A program for users who have difficulty with text or communication that combines the visual tool of mind mapping with the support of Widgit Symbols.
Software for users who have difficulty with text or communication that helps them learn to make choices.
A multi-level communication device that reads overlays by detecting the hole pattern that is punched in the overlay.
A communication program with the possibility of individual adaptation in terms of appearance, functionality and operating mode.
A voice/typewriter device that helps users communicate and control surroundings.