Products that match: Educational Software
270 Results
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Operating System
A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.
A series of voice output vocabulary tutorial apps and cause and effect and behavior training apps designed for use by language therapists and parents working with children who have cognitive, communication, developmental, or learning disabilities or autism.
A preschool multimedia duplicatable educational curriculum designed to teach children of all abilities to appreciate learning and make good decisions.
An app designed to help users with attention deficit disorders manage their chores.
A personal and independent living skills tutorial app for people with cognitive disabilities or autism.
Spelling tutorial apps designed for use by parents or teachers working with children on the autism spectrum.
A voice output language and vocabulary tutorial app designed for use by language therapists and parents working with children who have cognitive, communication, developmental, hearing, learning, or physical disabilities or autism.
A behavior training program designed for use by parents or caregivers working with children with developmental or cognitive disabilities.
An iOS app for teaching children who have cognitive, communication, learning or speech disabilities independent living and personal skills.
An app that teaches toddlers, preschool, and children with special needs how to recognize and pronounce words through short, narrated animations and word association games.
Math tutorial and writing skills app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with learning, upper extremity or fine motor disabilities or autism.
An app that teaches a child handwriting while playing a game.
Typing instruction program designed to teach keyboarding skills at employable speeds using a touch system to people who have limited use of their hands. This program utilizes a unique progressive learning system (which includes visual cues and human voice), allowing the student to learn by building upon his or her progress.
A series of typing instruction programs for people with learning and reading disabilities, including dyslexia, limited vision, and hearing impaired.
A voice output program designed to introduce the basics of typing including alphabet introduction, the computer keyboard, and how to use a mouse for students with developmental and physical disabilities.
Language tutorial and assessment evaluation test designed for use with children in grades Kindergarten through eight with autism, developmental disabilities, language-learning disabilities, low vision, or hearing disabilities.
Personal skills tutorial program designed for use by parents and teachers working with pre-school children with mental, physical, or sensory disabilities.
An app that helps children with dyslexia overcome common letter reversals and backward writing in early childhood development.
An alphabet tracing and handwriting app for children with special educational needs used by parents, teachers, and occupational therapists.
An accessible learning tool that provides self-directed sessions for 27 important safety skills topics and is specifically designed to be used directly by individuals with autism, learning or other developmental disabilities at their own pace.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
A cloud-based age-appropriate transition, career exploration, career assessment, and vocational assessment system related to training, education, and employment. MECA is also a popular maker education system connecting hands-on projects to applied academics.
A math skills tutorial app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
A visual teaching tool for helping children and teenagers with Autism and Asperger Syndrome learn to navigate challenging locations in the community.
A sensory busy box designed to be a cause and effect training program, motor planning skill, and eye-hand coordination activity to provide audio, visual, and tactile stimulation for children with disabilities.