Products that match: Writing
22 Results
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Operating System
Series of iOS apps to improve pre-reading and writing skills. Designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
An interactive language program for children with special needs that is designed to strengthen the labeling of nouns, verbs, and objects, and the production of two- and three-part sentences.
Math tutorial and writing skills app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with learning, upper extremity or fine motor disabilities or autism.
An app that teaches a child handwriting while playing a game.
A voice output program designed to introduce the basics of typing including alphabet introduction, the computer keyboard, and how to use a mouse for students with developmental and physical disabilities.
An alphabet tracing and handwriting app for children with special educational needs used by parents, teachers, and occupational therapists.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
Language apps designed to help children with special needs learn how to build grammatically correct sentences.
A standards-based curriculum designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities that includes symbol-supported Student Books and Easy Reader Books, consumable Student Workbooks, and Teacher's Guides as well as scripted sample lessons. Additional activities, projects, articles, and experiments are included on the USB flash drives.
A story writing and language tutorial program designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with learning, communication, cognitive or hearing disabilities or autism.
A reading tutorial, story reading and story writing app designed for use by children with cognitive, communication, language or learning disabilities or autism.
Spelling tutorial programs designed for use by children with cognitive or learning disabilities.
An educational resource designed to help students with special needs and learning differences develop reading skills along with everyday life skills. The package includes a three-ring binder and CD.
A speech training flashcard and language tutorial program designed for use by speech and language therapists and teachers working with children who have communication or speech disabilities or autism.
A cloud-based program for children aged 7-14 with dyslexia designed to help them understand the building blocks of written language.
A cloud-based program designed for students aged 7-12 with dyslexia that teaches touch typing while improving spelling.
A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.
An app designed for people who struggle with writing due to learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It helps people write and take notes in both an educational and professional setting.
An app designed for children and adults with dyslexia to help them write without spelling errors. It uses a word prediction engine and spelling error model to help users write, even if their spelling isn't correct.
A series of apps for the iPad and Windows devices that have been specifically designed to support pupils through the process of writing.
An educational CD-ROM designed for children 7 to 12 to learn and use spelling, grammar or conjugation rules wisely. The rules of the game are simple: the player must move around on a board and answer questions to collect four objects.
Software for children with Dys disorders (dyslexia, visuospatial dyspraxia, dysorthography) to work in a fun environment. A virtual keyboard allows the user to compose texts or perform exercises (French, mathematics) on a magnetic grid. The composed text is read by text-to-speech voice as the child enters it.