Products that match: Spelling
14 Results
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Operating System
Spelling tutorial program designed for use with children with low vision or cognitive disabilities. This program focuses on identification, spelling, and word recognition.
Spelling tutorial iOS app designed for use with children with low vision or cognitive disabilities.
Spelling tutorial program designed for use by children with cognitive or learning disabilities.
An interactive language program for children with special needs that is designed to strengthen the labeling of nouns, verbs, and objects, and the production of two- and three-part sentences.
An educational game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that enhances vocabulary and teaches fingerspelling and phonics skills.
An interactive educational app for use by children with communication, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder that will help them learn their ABCs and build their vocabulary.
A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.
A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.
Spelling tutorial apps designed for use by parents or teachers working with children on the autism spectrum.
A cloud-based reading and spelling teaching system for students aged 6-11 years with dyslexia that was developed at the Bristol Dyslexia Centre.
An early language development iPad app for children with special needs designed to practice language and auditory processing tasks at the basic sentence level.
An animated American Sign Language game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that challenges their knowledge of sign language and spelling.
Language tutorial apps designed to help children and adults with physical or learning disabilities to recognize that words and sentences have meanings corresponding to actions in animated pictures.
An educational CD-ROM designed for children 7 to 12 to learn and use spelling, grammar or conjugation rules wisely. The rules of the game are simple: the player must move around on a board and answer questions to collect four objects.