Products that match: Language
101 Results
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Operating System
Math tutorial and writing skills app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with learning, upper extremity or fine motor disabilities or autism.
An app that teaches a child handwriting while playing a game.
A voice output program designed to introduce the basics of typing including alphabet introduction, the computer keyboard, and how to use a mouse for students with developmental and physical disabilities.
Language tutorial and assessment evaluation test designed for use with children in grades Kindergarten through eight with autism, developmental disabilities, language-learning disabilities, low vision, or hearing disabilities.
An app that helps children with dyslexia overcome common letter reversals and backward writing in early childhood development.
An alphabet tracing and handwriting app for children with special educational needs used by parents, teachers, and occupational therapists.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
A reading program and book authoring tool designed for use by students with special needs.
A cloud-based reading and spelling teaching system for students aged 6-11 years with dyslexia that was developed at the Bristol Dyslexia Centre.
Language tutorial apps for beginning language learners that enables them to create a sentence with words or picture symbols and then see the sentence animated.
An early language development iPad app for children with special needs designed to practice language and auditory processing tasks at the basic sentence level.
A curriculum consisting of duplicatable PDF books, interactive programs, and interactive online access designed to help prepare students with special needs to take and pass the GED and to learn academic and life skills.
A program for students with special needs designed to help them learn and practice 10 essential prepositions and following directions.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial program designed for use by children with language, developmental or learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, or adults with aphasia.
A sign language program designed for use by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing that translates between four languages: written Russian and English, as well as Russian Sign Language and American Sign Language.
A visual learning and assessment system designed for use by parents, teachers, and language development specialists for children with communication, learning, cognitive, speech, or physical disabilities or autism.
Language apps designed to help children with special needs learn how to build grammatically correct sentences.
A standards-based curriculum designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities that includes symbol-supported Student Books and Easy Reader Books, consumable Student Workbooks, and Teacher's Guides as well as scripted sample lessons. Additional activities, projects, articles, and experiments are included on the USB flash drives.
An animated American Sign Language game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that challenges their knowledge of sign language and spelling.
A story writing and language tutorial program designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with learning, communication, cognitive or hearing disabilities or autism.
A reading tutorial, story reading and story writing app designed for use by children with cognitive, communication, language or learning disabilities or autism.
Spelling tutorial programs designed for use by children with cognitive or learning disabilities.
An educational resource designed to help students with special needs and learning differences develop reading skills along with everyday life skills. The package includes a three-ring binder and CD.
An app designed for individuals on the spectrum who are non-verbal or have minimal verbal skills due to a motor speech planning disorder such as apraxia. This app combines the concept of video modeling with written words and auditory cues to help individuals acquire relevant words, phrases, and sentences so that they can speak for themselves.
A speech and oral motor skills training program designed for use by people with speech or communication disabilities, autism or apraxia and by occupational and speech therapists working with people with these disabilities. It uses VAST videos to support best-practices in delivering speech therapy for acquired Apraxia and non-fluent Aphasia.